Coach Squeeze Day In The Life

Lighting of the Baseball Field

Coach Squeeze wakes up around 4:30 to start his day full of coaching baseball and running his own business as a general contractor. He is a recent addition to the Neumann family, moving from Baron to help with our baseball team. After he wakes up, he takes his dogs out, eats breakfast and he’s off to his general contracting job where he stays until around noon.

Although, with all the construction happening around the field, he’s needed here in the morning to oversee many things. But when he does go to his office, he leaves around 12 to get to Neumann. Depending on whether the baseball team is in season or not, there are different things that need his attention. When it’s not season, he’s usually making sure the field is ready to be played, on and creating practice plans. During the season, he’s doing scout reporting and watching videos of other teams to prepare for games, Scout reporting is where you prepare for the other team. , answering questions such as Who are their best players? Do they have any weaknesses? He also does paper work if the team is traveling or he is planning for practices.

Coach Squeeze says his favorite thing about coaching baseball is that it allows him to share his passion with young people, and it feels like he’s playing baseball again when he coaches. I also asked him what the most exciting thing about moving from Baron to Neumann was. He says that it was his first time being able to take over a program and take that program to a whole new level. Coach squeeze has done many things for our baseball field including improving the turf, putting in a new scoreboard, remodeling the baseball cages, and many other things.

When asked what the most transformative improvement on the field was he answered, “the lights.” He said it was the most difficult thing to add but it changed the atmosphere the most. He was able to add lights because of his background as a general contractor. The permits and getting it built in 3 months came easy because of his job, but raising the money took the longest.

After a long day of all these tasks he heads home and hits the hay and does it all again the next day.