Life in captivity is difficult for sea animals. In the wild, animals like dolphins and orcas swim far distances often up to 100 miles a day and live in large social groups. These groups are highly structured, with animals forming close bonds and communicating through vocalizations. In captivity, these animals are restricted to small tanks that severely limit their movement and ability to engage in natural behaviors. Because of this, there has been many incidents with the animals and their caretakers.
Captive environments often fail to provide the necessary space, leaving animals bored and stressed. This can lead to unnatural behaviors, such as repetitive swimming patterns known as “pacing.” Unlike the movement they exhibit in the wild: diving to great depths, foraging for food, and playing with pod members, ocean animals are often left to swim in tight circles or hover at the surface.
Health problems are another common issue. In the wild, orcas eat a varied diet of fish, squid, and other marine life, but in captivity, they are often fed frozen fish, which lacks the nutrients that they need to survive. These deficiencies, combined with limited exercise, contribute to problems like dorsal fin collapse, which affects most captive male orcas but is rarely seen in the wild.
Additionally, many sea animals are separated from their families when captured or moved between facilities, breaking their bonds that they need to have with their pods. This separation causes emotional distress as these animals rely on their social groups for survival. While aquariums claim to educate the public about marine life, it’s crucial to consider the high cost to the animals’ well-being.
Efforts to address these challenges are limited. Some aquariums attempt to provide enrichment, like toys or training to reduce boredom and stress. However, these measures are nothing compared to the activities that animals experience in the wild. A better approach might involve creating larger, more natural habitats or transitioning animals to sanctuaries on the seaside, where they can experience some of their natural environment while remaining under human care.
By understanding the impact captivity has on sea animals, people can learn to make better choices about how to treat these smart and social creatures.