Since September 12, Mrs. Brewer has been diligently working on set designs. “Clue” requires nine different reappearing rooms. Due to our small stage here on campus, Brewer has decided that just two rooms will be on stage, one being on top of a scaffold in the back of the stage, and the other being “The great hall.” While the other 7 will be along the audience and on the floor in front of the stage. This is the first time Brewer has done it this way. Each room along the audience will be slightly angled to hide the secret door the cast will enter and exit from. All rooms must also have a non-secret entrance, such as a door. Since the cast must be able to leave a room and enter a non-adjacent room, this is very difficult. It becomes even more challenging when a PVC piping system is introduced, which will be along every room. This will hide the curtains, as well as the cast moving around.
Rehearsal was supposed to begin last Tuesday but was postponed as Mrs. Brewer has been absent the last couple of days. Building practice has been happening for over two weeks now. Brewer has introduced all tools to the students, however students are not allowed to use power tools.
Lastly, Brewer has begun going through the script to determine which room(s) are used for every scene, as well as how each cast member will transition into the following scene. Once Mrs. Brewer has completed the process for each scene, she must go back through and do the same process for each specific character. She has to determine which character is in which scene in which room for each scene or half scene.
The showing dates are scheduled for March 15, 16, and 17.

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