How do you pronounce your Last name? What do you want students to call you? While spelled Szczechowski, it is pronounced (Shuh) (how) (ski), however she goes by Ms. S, as students often have a hard time with the pronunciation.
Tell me about your education Ms. S attended a Catholic high school in Indianapolis. Upon graduation she moved on to The University of Dayton. After achieving her undergraduate there, she worked in sales for about a year before she felt God calling her to do more. She decided to study theology at Boston College and received her Masters of Arts in Theology and Ministry, with a major in Religious Education.
Tell me about your previous teaching experience This will be Ms. S’s first year teaching her own classes, however she completed an internship at an all boys Catholic school in Boston, called Catholic Memorial. At Catholic Memorial she observed, as well as participated in, retreats to stay involved with campus ministry. She was also a Graduate Assistant at Boston College, her alma mater, and participated in campus ministry specifically for liturgy.
What classes do you teach? She currently teaches two freshman theology courses, as well as co-teaching Honors Peer Ministry alongside Sr. Nicole and Sr. Juliana. The rest of her time is filled with on-campus ministry.
How would you describe your teaching style? Ms. S is still discovering her teaching style, as this is her first formal teaching job. She aims to keep students engaged by staying structured and on topic. She finds this to be a little challenging when students ask good questions that lead to a path other than what was originally planned. In situations like these, she ensures that she begins the next class with what they should be accomplishing academically.
What is the biggest challenge of teaching here at SJN? Ms. S states that the biggest general challenge is “making sure it’s dynamic”, in order to keep students engaged. In order to stay ahead of this, Ms. S strives to be creative in the ways she plans her lessons.
What is your favorite part of being part of the SJN family? Ms. S states that her “favorite part is how welcoming it has been.” She also mentions how the Oratory Model is very important to her. She strongly believes that Salesian schools should be a school, a church, a home, and a playground, and states that St. John Neumann has been an excellent example of just that. She feels at home here.
We’re happy to have Ms. S as a part of our family!