“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.” John 15:16
Here at Neumann, each week is focused around a particle Bible verse which we refer to as the Memory Verse of the Week. The purpose of the memory verse is to reach the students hearts as well as their minds. Learning Bible verses is beneficial to the students because they practice the ability to memorize text which is a skill used in everyday life, and because it is good to remember the Word of God. In this Bible Verse, Jesus is reminding his apostles that He chose them out of the mass of His followers. He chose them for the specific task of learning from Him so that they could do the things He did. They are to imitate the love that He has for people, and depend on the influence of the Holy Spirit. Our Salesian sisters, Sr. Pat, Sr. Nichole, Sr. Susan, and Sr. Julianna choose the memory verses every week each year. In theology class we discuss the meaning behind the verses and talk about how that relates to our lives. Hopefully over time, the student body will be able to use Bible verses in everyday life.