KennedThe murder of former President John F. Kennedy on November 22nd, 1963, is a subject of much disagreement and discussion in American History. One very popular theory suggests that the mob, or the mafia, had a key role in his assassination. One of the key factors in this theory is the fact that Kennedy’s administration was fighting against organized crime during his term as president. Many believe his assassination was revenge for the American government’s actions against them.
Additionally, some allege suspicious connections between the man officially charged with Kennedy’s murder, Lee Harvey Oswald, and organized crime. People have suggested that Oswald may have been influenced by the mob to take the fall and face the consequences for them. Despite decades of investigations, there is not any solid proof that the mafia was involved in Kennedy’s death. While many concrete connections exist, at the end of the day there is no confirmation the mob was involved.
Many still believe in the theory that the mob might have been involved in President Kennedy’s assasiantion. As long as questions linger about his death, the idea of the mob’s involvement in President Kennedy’s death will continue to captivate the imaginations of people.