What was it like coming to America from Italy?
I was extremely excited. I had always wanted to live here because of all the American movies I watched as a kid. When I first moved here, America was honestly how I expected it to be, completely different food, different style, different culture, and different people.
Was it initially hard to adapt to a new country?
It really wasn’t that hard to adapt to America, I have a very friendly personality and I’ve also known how to speak English my whole life.
What was the biggest challenge you faced moving?
The biggest challenge I faced was leaving my family and friends.
What do you enjoy more about America than Italy?
There are more opportunities here.
How was school when you first came here? Were there any difficulties because of language or different teaching?
Although I knew English, there were still some difficulties with literacy and reading since English wasn’t my first language. I got used to it though, and I know it well now as that’s all I speak at school.
How do you like St. John Neumann overall?
I really like St, John Neumann because from the first day I came here everyone was extremely nice and generous to me. I felt very welcomed.
What do you do in your free time?
I play volleyball, soccer, and tennis, and I enjoy hanging out with my friends, and going to the beach.
How do you still affiliate with Italian culture?
Well, I still practice Italian culture with my family. We eat Italian food, we speak Italian, and we haven’t stopped since moving to America. We go back to Italy in the summer, as well.
Do you ever miss Italy or wish you were there?
Yes, I do miss Italy as that is where all my friends are and family, but I love my life here.
Are you grateful to be in America?
I am so grateful to be in America. It is a dream come true.