The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie “Mutant Mayhem” brings the Turtles back in a colossal fashion. This is the Turtle’s highest rated project on IMDB other than their Nickelodeon TV show, “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”, but “Mutant Mayhem” gives a refreshing take on the turtles in every way imaginable., with a 3D art style never before explored.
A shock to most is that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are actually teenagers in this movie. They not only only act like teens, but also sound like teens because they’re voiced by teens. Raphael is voiced by Bradly Noon, Donatello by Michael Abby, and Michaelangelo by Shanon Brown Jr. The only one not voiced by a teen is Leonardo, who is voiced byNicholas Cantu. They all do a spectacular job portraying who the turtles are.
The writing is very comical for younger viewers as well as adults. Anyone can find a level of enjoyment in this film and that’s something the most animated films can’t achieve. This is thanks to the writers Seth Rogan, Evan Goldberg, and Jeff Rowe. Seth Rogan is known for his work on “Super Bad”, “The Interview”, and “The Boys: Diabolical”. Evan Goldberg is known for most of the projects that Seth Rogan is known for, whereas Jeff Rowe is known for writing some of the “Gravity Falls” episodes as well as “Disenchantment,” and “The Mitchell’s vs The Machines”. The writing is the thing that makes the movie stand out from the rest of the projects that the Tutles are in.
The only thing in this film that I have an issue with are the villains, at least the German woman. This is an un fair standard to hold a movie about Teenage Turtles that are Ninjas up to. This movie did exactly what it set out to do with was make a good Ninja Turtles project, with an art style that resembles the grime of the Ninja Turtles. I commend this movie for doing that. I’ll give “The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle: Mutant Mayhem” an 8/lO.